M. Yanis Bekhti



Thèmes de recherche

  • Structural change and innovation dynamics in Latin America ;
  • Commodity-boom and manufacturing recompositions in Latin America ;
  • Industrialization theories and premature deindustrialization in developping countries ;

Currently, my work aims to shed light on the debate around premature deindustrialization and its consequences in Latin America. More specifically, my PhD dissertation explores the dynamic of structural change and technological progress in the manufacturing industry during commodity-boom episodes.


Sujet de thèse

Premature Deindustrialization, Structural Change and Commodity-boom in Latin America

Directeur de Thèse

Pr. Fabio Montobbio (Unicatt) and Pr. Lorenzo Cassi (Paris 1)


Publications HAL de yanis bekhti neto galvao de la collection UNIV-PARIS1