M. Jesse Byron Grabowski



ED Économie : École doctorale d'économie Panthéon-Sorbonne

CES : Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne (UMR 8174)

Domaines d'expertise

Nautral Language Processing Financial Economics Reinforcement Learning Macroeconomics

À propos de moi

I am interested in the study of language in economics, especially in network settings such as financial markets,international trade, and social networks. I am also interested in the interface between theory and data, particularly in the estimation of economic models using non-traditional methods, including Bayesian inference and model-free reinforcement learning.

Part of my research data is sourced from Alpha Vantage Open-Access Stock Data API.


Sujet de thèse

Measuring Sentiment and its Impacts on Economic Outcomes

Directeur de Thèse

Thomas Renault


Emmett, Ross B., and Jesse Grabowski. "Better lucky than good: The Simon-Ehrlich bet through the lens of financial economics." Ecological Economics 193 (2022): 107322.


Publications HAL de jesse byron grabowski de la collection UNIV-PARIS1