M. André Keller

Chercheur associé


  • 2024

Peer-reviewed journal


Peer-reviewed journal

  • Nguyen V. Hung & André A. Keller, Existence results and equilibrium stability conditions to fuzzy n-player generalized multiobjective games with application to economic equilibrium models, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 439 (2023) 115587 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam2023.115587
  • Nguyen V. Hung & A.A. Keller, Generalized well-posedness for parametric fuzzy generalized multiobjective games, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 422 (2023) 114917 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam2023.1155
  • Nguyen V. Hung & André A. Keller, Optimal control of generalized multiobjective games with application to traffic network modeling, Mathematische Nachrichten 296 (8) (2023), pp. 3676-3698 https://doi.org/10.1002/mana.2021100486



Peer-reviewed journal

  • Nguyen V. Hung & André A. Keller, Existence and generic stability conditions of equilibrium points to controlled systems for n-player multiobjective generalized games using the Kakutani-Fan-Glicksberg fixed-point theorem, Optimization Letters 16 (2021), pp. 1477-1493 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11590-021-0178
  • Nguyen V. Hung & André A. Keller, Painlevé-Kuratowski convergence of the solution sets for controlled systems of fuzzy vector quasi-optimization problems with application to controlling traffic networks under uncertainty, Computational and Applied Mathematics (Springer) 40 (1) (2021), pp. 1-21 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40314-021-01415-8




Plenary talk in international conference



Peer-reviewed journal

Plenary talk in international conference




Plenary talk in international conference

  • André A Keller, Pareto-ranking efficient method using dominance-based Hasse diagram, INASE International Conference, Institute for Natural Science and Engineering (INASE), Corfu, Greece, 14-17 July, 2016..

Peer-reviewed journal


Peer-reviewed journal

Lecture in international conference

  • André A Keller, Water resources planning and management by using the generalized Benders decomposition method to solve large-scale MILNP problems: an introduction, International Conference on Water Resources and Environm ent (WRES2015), 25-28 July, Beijing, China. PDF/PPT: ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\WRES2015_25072015_lecture_1.pdf ; invitation: ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\WRE2015_25072015_Invitation.pdf


Peer-reviewed journal

Plenary talk in international conference

  • André A Keller, Convex relaxation methods for nonconvex polynomial optimization problems, International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and Industry (MSCI),  Varna, Bulgaria, 13-15 Sep, 2014. flyer: ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ MCI_13092014_flyer.pdf ; program: ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ MCSI_13092014_program.pdf ;  PDF:  ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ MCSI_13092014_paper.pdf ; PDF/PPT: ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ MCSI_13092014_lecture.pdf  ►BEST PAPER AWARD



Plenary talk in international conference

  • André A. Keller, Finding all the minimizers of highly multimodal functions by using a Monte-Carlo technique, 19th WDEAS American Conference on Applied Mathematics 'AMERICAN-MATH'13), Cambridge, MA, Jan 30-Feb 2013, in  A. Zaharim et al., eds, Proceedings in recent Advances in Mathematics, 2013, pp. 153-160. PDF:  ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ AMERICAN-MATH13_30022013_paper_0.pdf ; lecture:  ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ AMERICAN-MATH13_30022013_paper_1.pdf
  • André A. Keller, Evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms to environmental management and planning with water resources case studies, 5th WSEAS World Congress: Applied Computing Conference (ACM'13), 17-19 Nov 2013, Nanjing, China, in: K. Psarris, Ed, Proceedings in Recent Advances in Computer Science,  2013, pp. 15-24. PDF:  ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ Nanjing_17112013_paper.pdf ; lecture:  ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ Nanjing_17112013_lecture.pdf



Book chapter

  • André A. Keller, Predator-prey evolution strategy for solving multi-objective optimization problems, in B. Chen, V. Hu, D. Kong, Eds.,  Proceedings  of 2012 International Conference on Electronic  Information and Electrical Engineering, Changsha, China, June 15-17 2012, Atlantis Press, Amsterdam, 2012, pp. 352-355. poster:...\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ EIEE2012_15062012_poster.pdf   ; PDF:...\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\  EIEE2012_15062012_paper.pdf

Peer-reviewed journal

Plenary talk in international conference

  • André A. Keller, Partial differential equations to diffusion-based population and innovation models, 16th WSEAS International Conference on Systems (CSCC'12), Kos Island, Greece, July 14-17, 2012 in: V.E. Balas and M. Koksal, Eds, Proceedings in Recent Researches in Circuits and Systems, 2012, pp. 491-497. PDF:...\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ CSCC2012_14072012_lecture_0.pdf

Talk in academic seminar

  • André A. Keller, Asymptotic  dynamics, oscillation, and chaos, 4ème Journées MATHECO de Mathématique de la Décision Economique, Université de Lille 1, Villeneuve d'Ascq, 18 mai 2012.
  • André A. Keller, Evolutionary algorithm for solving continuous multiobjective optimization problems, Séminaire LIFL d'Informatique, Université de Lille 1, Département LIFL, Villeneuve d'Ascq, 19 Avril 2012.


Peer-reviewed journal

Plenary talk in international conference 

  • André A. Keller, Stochastic delay Lotka-Volterra system to interacting population dynamics, Fifteenth International Conference on Applied mathematics, Simulation, Modelling (ASM'11), 14-16 July 2011, Corfu, Greece. PDF:...\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ ASM2011_14072011_paper.pdf ; lecture:...\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ ASM2011_14072011_lecture_0.pdf

Lecture in international conference

  • André A. Keller, Multilevel multi-agent nonconvex optimization: An introduction to the Nash-Stackelberg equilibrium, World Congress Engineering and technology (CET2011), 28 Oct-2 Nov, 2011, Shanghai, 2011, pp. 618-622, Paper 0261-1929275, ISBN 978-1-6128-363-6.PDF:...\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ ConfSHANGAI_2011a_2.pdf

Talk in academic seminar

  • André A. Keller, Systèmes différentiels à retards en avenir incertain: le modèle d'évolution stochastique de Lotka-Volterra - Functional differential equations under uncertain environment: The Lotka-Volterra stochastic model, Séminaire des Dynamiques Economiques Complexes (SDEC): EQUIPPE-Labo PAINLEVE-CLERSE, Université de Lille 1, Département d'Economie, Villeneuve d'Ascq, 7 Dec 2011.  flyer: ...\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER SDEC2_07122011_Lille1_flyer.pdf ; PDF:...\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ SDEC2_07112011b.pdf
  • André A. Keller,  Systèmes différentiels à retards en avenir certain: le modèle d'évolution déterministe de Lotka-Volterra - Functional differential equations under certain environment: The Lotka-Volterra deterministic model, Séminaire des Dynamiques Economiques Complexes (SDEC): EQUIPPE-Labo PAINLEVE-CLERSE, Université de Lille 1, Département d'Economie, Villeneuve d'Ascq, 8 Nov 2011. PDF/PPT:  ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ SDEC1_09112011_0.pdf
  • André A. Keller, Functional differential equations with application to economics, Séminaire des Dynamiques Economiques Complexes (SDEC): EQUIPPE-Labo PAINLEVE-CLERSE, Université de Lille 1, Département d'Economie, Villeneuve d'Ascq, 8 Juin 2011. 
  • André A. Keller, Hierarchical optimization to the determination of Nash-Stackelberg equilibria, 5ème Journées MATHECO de Mathématique de la Décision Economique, Université de Lille 1, Villeneuve d'Ascq, 19 mai 2011. flyer:  ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ MathEco5_19052011_Lille1_flyer.pdf; PDF: ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\MathEco5_19052011_Lille1_lecture.pdf



Book chapter

  • André A. Keller, Fuzzy conflict games in economics and management: Single objective fuzzy bi-matrix games, in: L.A. Petrosjan and N.A. Zenkevitch Eds, Contributions to Game Theory and Management - Collected Papers, vol. 3 2010, pp. 192-219. PDF:  ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ GTM2009_24062009_paper.pdf
  • André A. Keller, Graph analysis with application to  economics, in: L. Bernard and F. Roux, Eds,  Emerging Topics on Differential Geometry and Graph Theory, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2010, pp. 223-298. contenthttps://www.gbv.de/dms/tib-ub-hannover/598920587.pdfPDF:..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\  

Peer-reviewed journal

Plenary talk in international conference

  • André A. Keller, Generalized delay differential equations to economic dynamics and control, The American Conference on Applied Mathematics (AMERICAN-MATH'10), University Harvard, Cambridge, MA, 27-29 Jan 2010, S. Lagakos et al., Eds, Proceedings in recent Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2010, pp. 278-286. PDF: ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\Harvard_27012010_paper.pdf  ; summary: ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\Harvard_27012010_summary.pdf ; ►BEST PAPER AWARD
  • André A. Keller, Genetic search algorithms to fuzzy multiobjective games: A Mathematica implementation, 10th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Science (ACS'10), 4-6 Oct 2010, Morioka, Japan, in: H. Fujita and J. Sasaki, Eds, Proceedings in Selected Topics in Applied Computer Science, 2010, pp. 351-359. PDF:..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ Iwate_04102010_paper.pdf ; summary: ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\Iwate_04102010_summary.pdf ; poster: ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ConfACS_04102010_poster.pdf  ;  PDF/PPT: ..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ConfACS_04102010_lecture.pdf
  • André A. Keller, Circuit analysis to natural resources and environmental economic dynamics and control, Institute for Environment, Engineering, Economics, and Applied mathematics, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2010, Tenerife, Canaries Islands, in: V. Mladenov et al., Eds,  Proceedings  in Development, Energy, Environment, and Applied mathematics, 2010, pp. 133-141. PDF:..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ DEEE2010_30112010_paper.pdf ; proceed:..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ DEEE2010_30112010_proceed.pdf

Talk in academic seminar

  • André A. Keller, Asymptotic dynamics, oscillations and chaos in economics: Contribution of functional differential equations to the study of complex dynamics, 4ème Journée MATHECO en Mathématiques de la Décision Economique, Université Lille 1, 18 Mai 2010. PDF:..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ MATHECO_4_18052010_lecture.pdf
  • André A. Keller, Nested hierarchical optimization with application to Nash-Stackelberg equilibrium with application of genetic algoritms, Séminaire du Groupe Dynamique & Compléxité, Université de Lille 1, Fédération de Physique et Interfaces, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Oct 2010.




  • André A. Keller, Multi-Objective Optimization in Theory and Practice II:  Metaheuristic Algorithms, Bentham Science, Sharjah, UAE-United Arab Emirates, 2019, 296 pages.

Book chapter

  • André A. Keller, Lexicographic all circuits enumeration in large scale macroeconometric models, in S.L. Ao, S.I. Rieger, and S.S. Chen, Eds, Advances in Computational Algorithms and Data Analysis, Springer, New York, 2009, pp. 465-479. ISBN: 978-1-4020-8918-3
  • André A. Keller, Optimal economic stabilization policy under uncertainty, in; K. Jayanthakumaran, Ed., Advanced Technologies, Intech, Vukovar, Croatia, 2009, pp. 441-470. ISBN: 978-953-307-0009-4. PDF:..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\  InTech2009_Stabilization_Chapter.pdf


Lecture in international conference 



Book chapter

Plenary talk in international conference

  • André A. Keller, Fuzzy control of macroeconomic models, International Conference on Control Automation and Systems, WCSET 2008, 25-27 Jul 2008, Prague, Czech Republic, in Proceedings of World Academic Science, Engineering and Technology, vol 31, 2008, pp. 145-154.

Lecture in international conference


Book chapter

  • André A. Keller, Stochastic differential games and queuing models to innovation and patenting, in: L.A. Petrosyan  and V. Mazalov, Eds, Contribution to Game Theory and Management, vol 1, 2007, pp. 245-269. PDF:..\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\  CHAPTER_CGTM2007.pdf

Peer-reviewed journal

Plenary talk in international conference

  • André A. Keller, Lexicographic all circuits enumeration in large scale macroeconometric models, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, and Control (ICMC),San Francisco, 24-26 Oct. 2007 in: Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering & Computer Science, 2007, pp. 859-864.

Lecture in international conference

  • André A. Keller, Stochastic differential games and queuing models to innovation and patenting, in: First International Conference on Game Theory and Management (GTM2007), Saint-Petersburg University, Graduate school of management (GSCOM) and the International Society of Dynamic Games (ISDG), Russian Chapter, 2007. PDF/PPT::...\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ GTM2007_28062007lecture.pdf
  •  A. Keller, Stackelberg differential games and queing process to environmental pollution economics and control, Seventh Meeting on Game Theory and Practice Dedicated to Energy, Environment and Natural Resources, HEC Montréal, Canada, 28-30 May 2007.
  • André A. Keller, A game theoretical approach to technological innovations, Third International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Economics (IMEBE 2007), Malage, Spain, 23-24 Mar. 2007. 
  • André A. Keller, Differential games and economic behavior: Theory and applications, Sixth International Conference on Applied Mathematics (APLIMAT), Bratisla, Slovak Republik, 6-9 Feb 2007.


Lecture in international conference

  • André A. Keller, Matching theory and economic building, Optimal Discrete Structures and Algorithms (ODSA), 4-6 Sep 2006, Rostock, Germany, 2006. PDF/PPT:...\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ ROSTOCK2006_04092006_lecture.pdf ; abstract::...\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ ROSTOCK2006_04092006_abstract.pdf ; paper::...\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ ROSTOCK2006_04092006_article.pdf ; 

  • André A. Keller, Graph theory and economic models: From small to large size applications, Sixth Czech-Slovak International Symposium on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, Prague, Czech Republic, 10-15 Jul 2006. PDF::...\Conf_2014\SAMM\cvKELLER\ PRAGUE2006_10072006_paper_0.pdf


Book chapter

  • Christian L. Dunis, André A. Keller, Efficiency test with overlapping data: An application to the currency option market, in C.L. Dunis ed, Forecasting Financial Markets: Exchange Rates, Interest Rates, and Asset Management, Wiley, Oxford, UK, 1996. ISBN: 978-0-471-966653-1.


Peer-reviewed journal


Peer-reviewed journal

  • Christian L. Dunis  & André A. Keller, Volatility forecasting with overlapping data: an application to the currency options market,  Chemical Bank, 2, 1994.


Talk in academic seminar  

  • André A. Keller, Modélisation ARCH & GARCH de l'hétéroscédasticité conditionnelle des séries chronologiques financières, Séminaire de Recherche de l'IAE de Valenciennes, Valenciennes, 10 nov 1994.




Book chapter


Plenary talk in international conference

  • André A. Keller, Forecast combination under  economic constraint as a forecasting technique, International Symposium on Forecasting, Boston, USA, May 1987.
  • André A. Keller & Bernadette Maréchal, Efficience et stabilité du marché des changes: Application au cours  Franc/Dollar en 1975-1986, Association d'Econométrie Appliquée, Conférence sur les Modèles Monétaires et Financiers, Geneva, Switzerland, 22-23 Jan 1987.

Talk in academic Seminar

  • André A. Keller & Bernadette Maréchal, Propriétés spectrales des filtres usuels en économie: Désaisonnalisation par Census X11 et différences d'ordre d, Université de Dijon, IME (Institut de Mathématique Economique)/CNRS, Document de Travail N° 76,1987.HAL Id:hal-01543012. https://hal.science/hal-01543012




Plenary talk in international

  • André A. Keller, Econometrics of technical change: techniques and problems, Meeting of the Working Group on The identification of structural change, International Institute of Applied System Analysis (IIASA), Sulejow, Poland, 22-26 Sep 1986.
  • André A. Keller & Bernadette Maréchal, Box Jenkins forecasting techniques for the daily Franc/Dollar exchange rate: Foreign exchange market's efficiency re-examined, VI ème Symposium International de Prévision, Paris 15-18 Juin 1986.


Talk in academic seminar

  • André A. Keller & Bernadette Maréchal, Propriétés spectrales des filtres usuels en économie, Séminaire d'Econométrrie de M. Edmond Malinvaud ( Economie Théorique et Appliquée), Paris, 13 Jan 1986.


Peer-reviewed journal

  • Christian L. Dunis & André A. Keller, Zonal elasticities and exchange rate structure, Prévision et Analyse, Revue Trimestrielle de DRI (Data resource Inc), 1985,  des filtres usuels en économie: Désaisonnalisation par Census X11pp. 31-66.
  • Raymond Courbis & André A. Keller, France in Europe:to 1990: A challenge  to business, The Economist Intelligence Unit, London, Special Report, nr 173, 1985, pp. 1985.

Lecture in international conference

  •  André A. Keller, Efficiency of prefiltering in causality tests: spectral properties of usual polynomial filters, Meeting of the Working on the Identification on Structural Change, International Institute  of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Lodz, Poland, May 1985.

Lecture in national conference

  •  André A. Keller & Bernadette Maréchal, Spectral properties of usual filters in economics: Theory and application to the French economy, Colloque Structures Economiques et Econométrie, Université de Lyon I, Lyon 23-25 mai 1985.

Talk in academic seminar

  • André A. Keller & Bernadette Maréchal, Analyse statistique des séries temporelles en économie: techniques et problèmes de saisonnalité, Séminaire GIS santé, University de Lyon I, Lyon, 15 Nov 1985


Book chapter

  • André A. Keller, Semi-reduced form of econometric models, in: J.P. Ancot, Ed, Analysing the Structure of Econometrics Models, Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, Boston, 1984. 
  • André A. Keller, Pascal Sanson, Construction d'indicateurs synthétiques par l'analyse factorielle d'indices conjoncturels multiples, Prévision et Analyse Economique (Cahiers du GAMA), vol 5, no 3, 1984, pp. 7-52.


Talk in academic seminar

  •  André A. Keller & Bernadette Maréchal, L'apport des analyse spectrale et factorielle dans le domaine conjoncturel, Journées de Statistique de Lyon I, University de Lyon I, Lyon, 15 Nov 1985. Subvention DGRST (Allocation de Recherche en Economie Quantitative).